
What it means when you find yourself detaching from society?

Do you constantly find yourself cutting off from people without any reason? The feeling that you don’t belong? A major reason for such thoughts is that you find it difficult to blend in with your friends and family. While such mindset is not something permanent, it can develop from a constant state of neglect and lack of affection.  It is not necessary that such state of mind arises in only those who are generally closed off by nature. There is a larger percentage of so-called extroverts who also suffer with the same complexion. While this situation generally arises from a change in friend circle, or after losing a loved one, breakup, or a change in surroundings. Some other reasons like depression, heavy medicines, illness or other social factors can also be an imminent variable.   Some people can also call it a ‘Retreat’, a means to detach from society in order to better focus on their upcoming projects, a major people comprising this class will consist of au...

How to Find Your Inner Strength ?

July 22, 2021 15:35 IST Have you ever wondered why you are not as happy as others ? Or why everyone around you seems satisfied with their lives while you struggle to keep yourself together each and every day ? Why everyday looks like a challenge to you while others find peace and solace in whatever they do ? Keep reading and you might actually realise where it all goes wrong.  I am no therapist. No Psychiatrist. No Guru. No Mental health expert. I am You. Just another person who gets infinite thoughts a day. Ranging from a feeling of  Self-awe to a feeling of suffocation and eventually, the want to let go. All the various feelings make me cumulatively weak and strong at the same time. You might call me weak because I acknowledge my lows. But I consider myself strong just because I am still here. Still Breathing. I will call it fighting on.  It doesn't matter what you do. How well settled you are. Your social status will not determine the number of people who w...

Imapact of Technological Evolution on Content Writing.

Accurate use of grammar and writing is an essential aspect of any writing. Today various online grammar spelling checker tools are available for improving writing quality. The popularity of these platforms is increasing among researchers and academicians every day. Technological advancements offer an online platform for editing, spell checking, sentence formation and grammatical accuracy service. These types of online platforms are available commercially. These are also very popular in businesses and big brands just because the visual and literal appeal paves a long way in capturing the interest of the reader. Computers are now providing more of the brain power included in reading-writing and proofreading. Effectively automating the human thinking that underpins literacy. The consequences of these developments can be more far reaching than anything we have seen in the history of writing. We may not give it much thought, but the technology is used routinely right on our beh...